Dr NG Rust

HomeDr NG Rust

Dr NG Rust


As a dedicated GP (General Practitioner) in Sasolburg, Dr NG Rust diagnose, treat, and help in the prevention of injuries and diseases among adults, infants, children and adolescents. All over Sasolburg Free State, we are the best General practitioners (GPs) who treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.

Does Dr NG Rust give medication?

This has been changing in recent years and now nearly every GP do dispense prescription medications directly to patients, from their offices. Dr. Rust N G is a Non Dispensing GP in Sasolburg.

Conslutation Fees

Depending on which medical aid you use from the list below, or does Dr.Rust N G help patience on Discovery Health, (GEMSGovernment Employees Medical SchemeBonitasPolmedMomentum HealthBankmedBestmed Medical SchemeMedihelpMedshieldLA-Health Medical SchemeFedHealth Medical SchemePlatinum HealthSizwe Medical FundSAMWUMed or Keyhealth or others. Payments might vary from service rendered.

Listing Details

Pets Allowed: Yes
8 N J Van Der Merwe Cres, Sasolburg, 1947

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