Sasolburg amenities

Unlock a world of exceptional Sasolburg amenities. Discover the essence of leisure and entertainment as you explore these exceptional venues in Sasolburg. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a swimmer seeking aquatic bliss, or a culture aficionado, these amenities have something extraordinary to offer. Embrace the vibrant spirit of Sasolburg and immerse yourself in its delightful offerings! Here are things to do in Sasolburg!

Sasolburg Weather

Looking for things to do? Plan ahead and check the Sasolburg weather before planning! In Sasolburg, the summers are long, warm, and mostly clear and the winters are short, cold, dry, and clear. Sasolburg is at a high altitude with a fairly dry climate and large seasonal temperature variation. It is situated on the banks of the Vaal River, which separates the Free State from the former Transvaal Province, and is not far from the Vaal Dam where excellent windsurfing spots can be found.

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The D.P de Villiers Stadium

The D.P de Villiers Stadium is a multi-sports facility.  While numerous events and sports tournaments have been hosted at the stadium, it is primarily used as a practice ground for the Sasolburg Athletics Club and the Cobras rugby club.

Penny Heyns Swimming Pool

Sasolburg Swimming Club was established in the late ’60s and has ever since trained swimmers of exceptionally high standards. It has operated closely with SASOL to stage the Sasol National Winter Championships for the past 43 years.

Etienne Rousseau Theatre

More than 45 years after Sasol donated the Etienne Rousseau Theatre to the community of Sasolburg to commemorate its 25th year in existence, Sasol is doing extensive renovations at the theatre to restore this award-winning building to the fully operational cultural center that brought the best local and international performing artists to Sasolburg for many years.