AJ Jacobs Primary School

HomeAJ Jacobs Primary School

AJ Jacobs Primary School


Aj Jacobs Primary School is a primary school located in Sasolburg, Free State, South Africa. Aj Jacobs Primary School is one of the top best primary schools in Sasolburg, Free State, South Africa.

Our vision at AJ Jacobs is to empower learners to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of the school: respect, responsibility, attitude, knowledge and commitment.

AJ Jacobs Primary School Misson

differentiated, in-depth and cohesive learning programmes aligned to year level content and achievement standards informed by CAPS; 

highly effective teachers, focused on improving learner outcomes through their commitment to ongoing professional development, quality teaching, evidence-based practices, coaching, mentoring and collaboration;

inclusive learning environment;​

​enriching and engaging resources; and

opportunities for community and parents to participate in learning and decision-making partnerships.

Schools in Sasolburg

Listing Details

Pets Allowed: Yes

Contact Info

Wepener St, Sasolburg, 1947

See on the Map